Wednesday 26 February 2014

Liebster Award

I've been nominated for a Liebster Award by my very good friend Lauren. So i just wanna say thank you so so much! If you haven't already checked her blog out, do it now! She is amazing at spotting great trends, as well as being handy with a camera. Anyway, here are my answers...!

1. What inspires you and your blog?
Really to just do something with my life that I enjoy. I did a journalism degree but really didn't fancy coming out of uni and writing about mundane things that didn't interest me. I've been working at Waitrose for the past 5 years and decided at the beginning of the year that starting a blog would mean I could theoretically put my degree to the test, while writing about what I enjoy and what I want, and not wasting my time seeking out another full time job that I'm not really going to enjoy.

2. What is your life dream? Will blogging help achieve this?
I'm still pretty confused about what my ultimate life dream is, but I know my passions are makeup and to have a family. I know that I can write about and experiment with makeup on my blog, and if I hopefully become successful one day this can be my job which I would love. I also think that when (if) I do have a family one day, if I'm a pro blogger I would have more time for my family, rather than having to be stuck in an office all day.

3. If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?
Optimistic. I think I very rarely look at the bad in life and people, which can be a bit annoying and unrealistic at times. But I don't see the point living life looking at the negative. Might as well live for the here and now, and make yourself happy with what's going on, rather than obsessing over the negativity that life could one day bring. Just be happy!

4. You're off to a dessert island, what three essentials do you take with you?
Sun tan lotion, as I would wanna be a bronzed babe and not a red lobster. A 2-in-1 shampoo conditioner, cause I'm limited on what I can bring and the sea and sun would eventually dry my hair out. A bikini, because who wants to swim and sunbathe in their clothes?!

5. What's the most valuable thing in your life and why?
So cliche, but my friends and family. Without a support system around, and people who love and care about you, who you also love and care about, then what's the point. Everything you'd do would be so boring and lonely.

6. Where do you see yourself in five years?
I don't even know where I see myself next week let alone 5 years! But I'd like to think I'd be in full time employment doing a job I love, on a decent salary and hopefully moved out!

7. Who is your ideal celebrity companion and why?
I think I'm gonna go Vanessa Hudgens. Have you seen her Instagram? She is so so hot these days, has the best style and looks like she is loving life. If I could feature in her life, I'd be pretty happy.

8. Who is your biggest style icon?
I actually couldn't say because I change my mind about what styles I like on a weekly basis. If I absolutely had to choose though, I'm gonna go with Kate Moss. I like how she makes casual look expensive, and I really feel the "I just threw this on but I look amazing" look.

9. What is your most memorable moment in your life so far?
Surfing in Morocco. I will never forget the first time I managed to stand on my board and ride a wave from left to right for more than a couple of seconds. It's an experience that will top all. I actually have another, and that's watching the sunrise in Israel at the top of Mount Masada. Just amazing.

10. What's at the top of your bucket list?
I think it would have to be surfing in more places. I had my first taste of it in Morocco the summer just gone, and I want more!!! To eventually be able to surf tunnel waves in California would be amazing. Virtually impossible, but amazing.

11. If you had to wear one item of your clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
Obviously it would have to be a dress or playsuit of some sort, otherwise you'd be missing a top or bottom half. I'm gonna go with my new Red Strappy Bodycon Midi Dress from Boohoo, because I think red is a colour that's in season all year round, and the dress can be warmed up for winter, or stripped down for summer.

And I nominate...
Vintage and Vans
Yours Truly, Jessica
Overdose De Maquillage
Lacey's Beauty Reviews
Kay & a cup of tea

And here are my questions!
1. How did you feel when you clicked the 'publish' button on your first post?
2. What made you decide to start blogging?
3. Would you ever want to start vlogging, and why?
4. What is your all time favorite beauty product?
5. What is your statement fashion piece?
6. If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, what would it be?
7. What is the craziest thing you've ever done in your life?
8. If you could immediately change it back if you didn't like it, what hairstyle would you try?
9. Describe yourself in 3 words?
10. When you were younger, what was your dream job? Is it at all the same now?
11. What do you HAVE to do before you die?

You need to

- Create a blog post
- Link back to the person who nominated you
- Answer 11 questions
- Don't forget to let those you nominate know!

Dani Alexandra


  1. Hi dear, you have a lovely blog and great post, I hope we can follow each other, if you decided to follow me on BLOGLOVIN, please let me know so I can follow you back. xoxo

  2. Thank you so much for this lovely!!!

    Means alot, love your blog :)


  3. Thanks again!
    Sorry that it took me soo soooo long, but the link is here!

